Lab Spotlight

The Arizona Policy Lab recently completed a survey of Arizona residents.
Some interesting findings from the survey are featured in the New York Times and Scientific American.
Are you a practitioner with a data or research need?
The Arizona Policy Lab contributes to effective and agile governance in the face of challenges and opportunities presented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We do so by pairing our data management and analysis expertise with government officials charged with addressing pressing social problems. The Lab provides evidence based policy advice and research findings to elected leaders, public officials, industry, and citizens. Our activities are grounded in cutting edge scientific practices, cross-disciplinary collaborations, and the mentoring and training of undergraduate and graduate students.

The Lab is home to faculty, researchers, and students from multiple units and programs across the UArizona campus.

We partner with fellow researchers, practitioners, and officials from government, non-profit, and private sectors.

These unique partnerships address political, policy, and governance problems in the US and worldwide.